Resources on COVID and Climate
Important Memos
for Local Government
Local Government Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources
Crowdsourced resources from local governments on COVID-19.
Climate COVID-19 Policy Tracker
The Drilled News Climate & COVID-19 Policy Tracker is keeping an eye on climate change-related rollbacks.
California’s Evolving Budget in the COVID-19 Emergency - California Legislative Analyst’s Office
Pressing Forward: LG Climate Staff Speak to Uncertainty Amid Global Health Crisis
Insights and adjustments local gov staff are seeing across diverse departments.
Heading 1
Tools / Resources
From Our Network
Rebuilding Better — Planning for a Climate Resilient COVID-19 Recovery
Local Government Commission
Climate Change and COVID-19: Can This Crisis Shift the Paradigm?
1 hour webinar with 3 expert faculty at UC Berkeley on April 27
CARE in the Time of Corona: A New Tool from SFEI to Combat Coronavirus Isolation - San Francisco Estuary Institute
COVID and Climate Equity
Why We Can't Ignore the Link Between COVID-19, Climate Change and Inequity
USA News
Air Pollution Likely to Increase Coronavirus Death Rate, Warn Experts - The Guardian
News Digest:
Key Articles and Resources Communicating the link Between Climate and COVID
Great Info and Tips for Communicating about Climate and COVID
Webinars, blogs and other materials from Climate Access (free registration required)
Smart Growth America COVID-19 Resources Page
This closely curated page collects resources and ongoing work related to coping with the COVID-19 pandemic today, and recovering from the fallout tomorrow.
A Green Stimulus to Rebuild Our Economy
An open letter and a call to action for members of congress
Climate Change and COVID-19: Can This Crisis Shift the Paradigm?
1 hour webinar with 3 expert faculty at UC Berkeley on April 27
Great Info and Tips for Communicating about Climate and COVID
Webinars, blogs and other materials from Climate Access (free registration required)
Empty Shelves and Rotting Vegetables: Two Sides of a Supply Chain Problem
Inside Climate News looks at our how our food system has lost its resilience from COVID and Climate
Here’s what a coronavirus-like response to the climate crisis would look like - LA Times
Experts wonder if the unprecedented global mobilization to slow the pandemic might help pave the way for more dramatic climate action.
Coronavirus Holds Key Lessons on How to Fight Climate Change - Yale Environment
When the COVID-19 pandemic is past, societies may adopt important measures that would lower emissions, from more teleconferencing to shortening global supply chains. But the most lasting lesson may be what the coronavirus teaches us about the urgency of taking swift action.
A Harvard Expert on Environment and Health Discusses Possible COVID and Climate Ties - Inside Climate News
Air pollution makes people more vulnerable to respiratory infections; climate change brings people in closer contact with animals that can spread disease.
Looking Toward Recovery with Climate in Mind - Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
We can’t afford to pause long in our efforts to contain a longer-term threat that will still be with us once the pandemic subsides: the climate crisis. In the recovery efforts likely to be launched in the months ahead, there will be many opportunities to tackle both crises together.
COVID and Climate Change: The Political Echo Will Last Much Longer Than the Crisis Itself - Politico
For a rising generation, a crisis fueled by frightening science foreshadows the coming conflicts.
The Analogy Between COVID-19 and Climate Change is Eerily Precise - Wired Magazine
First deny the problem, then say the solution is too expensive? The playbook is all too familiar.
Climate change has lessons for fighting the coronavirus - New York Times
“Alarming levels of inaction.” It is a familiar refrain to anyone who works on climate change, and it is why global efforts to slow down warming offer a cautionary tale for the effort to slow down the pandemic. Both demand early aggressive action to minimize loss.
What would happen if the world reacted to climate change like it's reacting to the coronavirus? - Fast Company
In countries around the world, governments and citizens have been quick to change daily habits. The same hasn’t happened for the climate crisis. If the world was responding to climate change like it’s responding to the coronavirus things would look dramatically different.
Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change - Technology Review
It would be a mistake to assume that the rapidly spreading virus will meaningfully reduce the dangers of climate change. The fear is that the highly contagious virus could complicate the challenges of climate change at a point when it was crucial to make rapid strides.