Heat, Drought, Fire

As the the hottest months of the year set in, BayCAN is focusing in our meetings, trainings and resources to help build capacity to respond to extreme heat, drought and fire in our region this season.
See below for a suite of resources designed to help you respond now:
Heat, Drought, Fire Solutions / Actions
Sixty BayCAN Members and climate leaders participated in this prescient webinar highlighting key projects happening across the region, and ways everyone can do something to respond to this critical moment.
The webinar covers:
Heat - News and science, spotlights on inspiring solutions and quick hits from members on what they are doing on heat now.
Drought - Updates on the state of the CA Drought, Spotlight on Bay Area Drought and Equity Report, highlights from BayCAN member projects.
Fire - News and science for 2021 fire season, Alert Fire system live demo, and more.
See the webinar recording here and the chat box content here.
Preparing for Drought
With the 2021 Drought firmly upon us, BayCAN is pleased to present the Drought Resource Guide 1.0.
In the Resource Guide, you will find two types of resources:
First, we present some of the best drought portals and reports -- your gateway to fabulous information on key issues, trends and solutions.
Second, we spotlight a number of drought projects and programs that BayCAN members are planning and implementing this year. This includes not only water-related agencies, but cities and counties.
From the Blog:
Heat, Drought, Fire Newsletters
This Summer and Fall, each of BayCAN's monthly Newsletters cover the latest resources, news briefs and opportunities to help adaptation leaders prepare for the season's stressors.
BayCAN Member Project Highlights
Heat, Drought, Fire News
Tools to Help you Prepare for Heat, Drought, Fire
Funding Opportunities
Hot tip! To view the latest newsletters, and see the best resources from past editions, check out the BayCAN blog where all the newsletters are housed.
Preparing for Fire Season
See this timely BayCAN webinar featuring experts from the Climate Center, the Center for Sustainable Energy, and PG&E. BayCAN’s Bruce Riordan framed the webinar discussion with a PPT on how climate change is creating the conditions for many more large and destructive fires in California.
See the webinar recording here and check out these additional materials:
A study on wildfires in a changing California climate that will see reduced rainfall in fall and therefore a longer and more dangerous fire season.
Sample PG&E substation “spec sheet” and the list of 62 substations that PG&E is preparing for any PSPS events.
Spring Regional Meeting Resources
BayCAN kicked-off the 2021 Heat-Drought-Fire Season with a May 5th special presentation from climate scientist Daniel Swain (UCLA). You can see the recording here (fast forward to the 2:11 mark).
Including featured presentations and breakout discussions on the following additional topics:
The latest science on Heat / Drought / Fire in our region
Member actions to address these stressors
Keynote from APEN on building "Resilience Before Disaster"
Discussions on Just and Resilient Recovery Strategies for 2021
For the full list of meeting resources click here.