80 BayCAN members and partners met Feb 14th in Oakland — Great discussions on equity, insurance/risk, mainstreaming, cool projects and more!

MEMBERS ONLY: click here to view the following resources from the meeting...
Embedding Equity Into Climate Resilience Planning
Follow up resources from the panelists, examples of existing initiatives from BayCAN, guides and tool kits with actionable recommendations for local governments, relevant reports and legislation.
How Markets May Reward Cities Who Plan for Climate Change
Power point from February 14th presentation
Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation Widely Across Your Jurisdiction
Mainstreaming Across Departments Final Script + Links
Bay Area Adaptation Networking Exercise
BayCAN 12-page List of Projects and Resources!
BayCAN Lightning Round
Lightning Round Final Script + Links
BayCAN Meeting Agenda
BayCAN February 14, 2019 Agenda