We had an amazingly successful Regional meeting on February 20, 2020 with over 70 attendees representing organizations and agencies across our 9 county region.
Featuring the following exciting presentations:
Rachel Ehlers, Principal Fiscal & Policy Analyst, CA Legislative Analyst’s Office
Tiffany Wise-West, Public Works Manager, City of Santa Cruz
Jessica Fain, Planning Director Bay Conservation and Development
Ellie Cohen, Executive Director, The Climate Center
And the following topics covered by BayCAN
Governor’s proposed Climate Resilience Budget (including Climate Resilience Bond)
How BayCAN members are preparing for the 2020 fire season & PSPS
BayCAN’s 2nd Working Group (Assessment to Adaptation for SLR!)
Cool projects and progress by BayCAN members
The latest from BayCAN— new members, Equity Work Group and more
To view the slides, agenda and other materials, click here.