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The BayCAN Equity Work Group Presents:

The Equitable Adaptation Resource Guide

Leaders across our network, and country are asking the same question: how do we prepare for a changing climate equitably, and in a way that centers the perspectives and needs of the most marginalized and vulnerable to climate impacts? 


Many in our network and beyond are working to answer these questions and are creating resources to help others do the same.


However, with so many resources available, it has become increasingly difficult for our people to sift through these documents and identify which ones are most useful.


This BayCAN Resource Guide addresses this problem.

We do so by compiling resources in the following three categories:


  • Comprehensive guides for equitable adaptation which each outline the distinct phases of the adaptation process and identify key strategies to embed equity within each phase.


  • “How-To” tools to that augment these guides within each of the 6 phases of the “equitable adaptation” process. From building support to measuring progress, we provide brief summaries and links for targeted resources that can provide answers and guidance on specific questions.


  • Useful example plans, guidances and case studies in the Bay Area for you to learn from and be aware of to inform your own adaptation projects.

The Resource Guide is a living document that we will continue to add to as we receive feedback and commentary from our network and as additional resources are published.

We hope the guide is useful to your work and to this critical task of centering equity in all our adaptation efforts.


For questions or feedback please email

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